This work aimed at obtaining the chloroform leaf extract, evaluate its biological activity, and assess the chemical composition of the essential oil from the fruits and its activities. The crude leaf extract from Piper alatabaccum was obtained by maceration (chloroform), followed by rotaevaporation. The fruit essential oil was obtained through steam distillation using a system adapted for 3h and analyzed by GC/MS. The major constituents identified in the leaf chloroform extract of the species were the amides piperovatine and pipercallosidine. The major compounds of the oil were sesquiterpenes (45.83%), phenylpropanoids (20.83%), and monoterpenes (16.67%). Following the recommendations found in the literature, the crude extract was considered partially active, non-toxic for the cell lines HepG2 and VERO, and selective against P. falciparum. It did not present antimicrobial activity; neither was it toxic for the cancer cell lines. The essential oil was considered inactive, non-toxic at the highest concentration tested against the cell lines HepG2 and VERO, and was non-selective regarding the antiplasmodial activity. It did not present significant activity against the bacteria P. mirabilis and S. marcescens, but was considered toxic for the cancer cell lines PC3 (prostate cancer cells) and HL60 (leukemia cells).
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