
  • Ismael Matos Viégas
  • Dioclea Almeida Seabra Silva
  • Jessivaldo Rodrigues Galvão Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia/Engenheiro Agrônomo, Dr. em Ciências Agrárias
  • Ricardo Shigueru Okumura
  • Dágila Melo Rodrigues
  • Mauro Junior Borges Pacheco
  • Hiago Marcelo Lima da Silva
  • Adriana de Santos Ferreira
  • Paulo Custódea Gomes de Oliveira


The basic understanding of the export of nutrients by tropical flowers is of fundamental importance for fertilization programs, constituting a prerequisite for product quality and commercialization success. Thus, this study aimed to identify the export of limiting macro and micronutrients in Heliconia cultivars. The experiment was conducted in Benevides, state of Pará, Brazil. Randomized complete design blocks, distributed in five replicates were used in the study. The treatments consisted of three Heliconia cultivars (Red gold, Golden torch and Golden adrian), in which leaves, stems and flowers were analyzed. The experimental data were subjected to the Multivariate Factorial Analysis (MFA) statistical technique, using SPSS Statistics 17.0 Software. It was verified that Heliconia cultivars showed differences in the development, especially Golden torch, which presented the highest plant height (113.6 cm) and flower weight (0.052 g) and the lowest leaf area (590.63 cm2). The Red gold cultivar showed greater development in stem diameter (2.82 cm), leaf area (899.30 cm2), and stem (0.166 g) and leaves (0.106 g) weights, with lower plant height (84.5 cm) when compared with the other studied cultivars. From MFA, it was observed that the different Heliconia cultivars presented high similarity regarding nutrients and total contents, in which Red gold explained 95.00% and 44.62% of the total variance, respectively. Moreover, MFA identified the formation of five groups for nutrient contents and two for export of macro and micronutrients in leaves.


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Como Citar

Viégas, I. M., Silva, D. A. S., Galvão, J. R., Okumura, R. S., Rodrigues, D. M., Pacheco, M. J. B., … Oliveira, P. C. G. de. (2021). MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF EXPORT OF LIMITING NUTRIENTS IN HELICONIA CULTIVARS. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 6(2), 244–258. Recuperado de



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