About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Communitas Journal has the mission to foster dialogic and ambivalent discussion in an interdisciplinary way between the areas of Education, Letters, Linguistics and related areas of Human Sciences, being configured as an alternative channel for the tessitura of a theoretical-epistemological-methodological field -political in the publication of unpublished works resulting from researches developed, nationally and internationally, by subjects who seek to think and work their areas of research beyond a universal, hierarchical and hegemonic perspective.

Peer Review Process

The papers should be sent to the Editorial Committee via the Electronic Journaling System (SEER), which will submit them to the Editorial Council for verification of adequacy to the editorial policy of the journal and compliance with regulatory requirements. The articles will be sent, without identification, to at least two external evaluators. In the event of an evaluation discrepancy, it will be sent to a third reviewer. The name of the evaluators will be kept confidential.

Communitas Magazine will publish original and unpublished articles related to the areas of Education, Letters, Linguistics and related areas of Human Sciences, considering the editorial line of the Journal, treatment given to the theme, consistency and rigor. The articles should be exclusively intended for you.

Publication Frequency

The Journal will be published every six months and when convenient with a Special Edition.

Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge and there are no fees for signing, reading and submitting papers.



Sources of Support

  • Centro de Educação e Letras - Campus Floresta UFAC

Journal History

Communitas Magazine is born from the discussions of the Group of Researches in Memories, Identities, Curricula and Cultures of the Center of Education and Letters of the Federal University of Acre, with the mission of fomenting dialogic and ambivalent discussion in an interdisciplinary way between the areas of Education, Letters , Linguistics and related areas of the Human Sciences, being configured as an alternative channel for the tessitura of a theoretical-epistemological-methodological-political field in the publication of unpublished works resulting from researches developed in national and international scope by subjects who seek to think and to work on their areas of research beyond a universal, hierarchical and hegemonic perspective.