Técnicas de agrupamento e rede neural em sinistros com máquinas na Região Sul


  • Deivielison Ximenes Siqueira Macedo UFC
  • Viviane Castro dos Santos UFC
  • Leonardo de Almeida Monteiro UFC
  • Enio Costa IFCE
  • Mayara Rodrigues Uchôa UFC


Acidentes, Rede de Kohonen, K-means, Segurança.


Regions with mechanized agriculture have situations that can promote the occurrence of claims, treating them if necessary or studying these situations to understand these occurrences and then try to remedy them. Thus, we aim to make use of neural networks associated with clustering techniques on the indicators of accidents involving agricultural machinery on the southern highways of the Southern Region. As occurrences analyzed are Traffic Accident Report-BAT. In BAT 6 indicators and federative units were analyzed. As neural networks were represented by self-organized maps, the clustering methods used were the dendrogram and the K-means coefficient. As situations with higher quantification of injured or fatal injuries were disobedient signaling and rear collision in the night. A combination of possible techniques to monitor and analyze accidents more fully than usual procedures.


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How to Cite

Ximenes Siqueira Macedo, D., Castro dos Santos, V., de Almeida Monteiro, L., Costa, E., & Rodrigues Uchôa, M. (2021). Técnicas de agrupamento e rede neural em sinistros com máquinas na Região Sul . South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 6(2), 484–500. Retrieved from https://teste-periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/SAJEBTT/article/view/2991



Artigos Originais Ciências Agrárias