
  • Franciarli Paz Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Adriana Saldanha do Nascimento Centro Universitário UNINORTE
  • Janaira Lima da Silva Centro Universitário UNINORTE
  • Najara Lima da Silva Centro Universitário UNINORTE
  • Clarice Maia Carvalho Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Lilia Raquel Fé da Silva Centro Universitário UNINORTE
  • Nicole Lemos Assis Giacomolli Centro Universitário UNINORTE


Pseudomonas, inanimate objects, Hospital Infection


The present work aimed to verify the frequency of gram negative bacilli non-fermenters in inanimate objects in the Intensive Care Unit of an Emergency and Emergency Hospital in the city of Rio Branco, Acre. The collections were collected from April to June 2017 at the Emergency and Emergency Hospital of Rio Branco, Acre. In nine beds in the ICU, 6 objects were selected: Infusion pump, bed, bedside table, cardiac monitor, serum holder and mechanical ventilator, and following anvisa manual 4, samples with swab were collected in circular movements on the surface objects, then transported to the laboratory for inoculation in selective medium for gram negative bacteria and biochemical tests were used for identification. We analyzed 216 samples that presented 67.6% bacterial frequency, and the mechanical ventilator was the object most frequently (72.2%), followed by the cardiac monitor (69.4%) and bed (69.4%). Only two bacterial genera were isolated, Pseudomonas (51.4%) and Acinetobacter (48.6%). The presence of these microorganisms isolated in objects indicates a risk of contamination of patients through these phonites.


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How to Cite

Paz, F., Adriana Saldanha do Nascimento, Janaira Lima da Silva, Najara Lima da Silva, Clarice Maia Carvalho, Lilia Raquel Fé da Silva, & Nicole Lemos Assis Giacomolli. (2020). FREQUÊNCIA DE BACILOS GRAM NEGATIVOS NÃO FERMENTADORES EM UTI NO HOSPITAL DE ALTA COMPLEXIDADE . South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 7(1), 274–281. Retrieved from



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