Phytotherapics, Peperomia extracts, cancer cellsAbstract
Peperomia is a genus belonging to the Family Piperaceae, with an estimated 1600 species and a pantropical distribution. In view of the scarce literature on the biological activity of this species, in this study, we evaluated the cytotoxic potential of the chloroform fraction of the leaves of Peperomia quadrangularis against four cancer cell lines: HCT-116 (colon cancer - human), SNB-19 (Glioblastoma), PC3 (Prostate), HL60 (Leukemia) and MCF-7 (breast cancer) provided by the National Cancer Institute. The chloroform extract of P. quadrangularis presented toxicity toward the leukemia and prostate cancer cells.
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[5] SKEHAN, P., STORENG, R., SCUDIERO, D., MONKS, A., MCMAHON, J., VISTICA, D., WARREN, J.T., BODESCH, H., KENNEY, S., BOYD, M. R. New colorimetric cytotoxicity assay for anticancer – drug screening. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 82(13): 1107- 1112, 1990.
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How to Cite
de Souza Santos, E. B., Cavalcante Oliveira, G., da Costa Rodrigues, R. ., Evangelista de Oliveira, F. de C. ., Bezerra de Abreu, B. ., Feitosa Cidade, A. ., … do Ó Pessoa, C. . (2020). CYTOTOXIC POTENTIAL OF THE CHLOROFORM EXTRACT OF THE LEAVES OF Peperomia quadrangularis AGAINST CANCER CELL LINES . South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 7(1), 678–682. Retrieved from
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