
  • Andressa da Silveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Tainara Giovana Chaves de Vargas. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Juliana Portela de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Tífani de Vargas Bueno
  • Mariana Henrich Cazuni Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Francieli Franco Soster Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM


Saúde da criança; Saúde do adolescente; Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde; Educação


Objective: to know the dimensions of care, education and assistance of the interprofessional team of an Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) with Children with special health care needs (CSHCN). Method: research with a qualitative, participatory approach, developed from the Sensitive Creative Method, mediated by the Dynamics of Creativity and Sensitivity - Sewing Stories. Thirteen health and education professionals participated, the speeches were audio recorded, double transcribed and submitted to the analysis of the Pecheutian discourse. Results: the work was signified by persistence and patience, with roots in the feelings of love and empathy, even in the face of the difficulties of evolution and development presented by CSHCN. The team signaled the challenges for development and the need for participation and bonding with families. Conclusion: the discourse denotes the need for different methodologies for the care, education and assistance of CSHCN. Teaching, research and extension activities are suggested to promote the link between the interprofessional team, families and CSHCN. As limitations of the study, it was restricted to APAE, and it is not possible to describe the performance of other professionals.


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How to Cite

da Silveira, A., Tainara Giovana Chaves de Vargas., Juliana Portela de Oliveira, Tífani de Vargas Bueno, Mariana Henrich Cazuni, & Francieli Franco Soster. (2021). CHILDREN/ADOLESCENTS WITH SPECIAL HEALTH NEEDS: CARE, EDUCATION AND ASSISTANCE DIMENSION. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 8(1), 235–247. Retrieved from



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