
  • Taiza Lima de Almeida Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
  • André de Lima Barros Centro Universitário do Norte


Teaching-learning, Science Teaching, Playful, Herpetofauna


The lack of knowledge or mistaken analysis about the life history of different animal groups is a theme to be worked on by elementary school teachers and a good time to discuss and explain defense strategies such as mimicry and camouflage. However, science education still consists of simple transmissions of information, using only the textbook as a resource for classes. The use of innovative tools in the pedagogical process is presented as a solution to the problems pointed out by teachers and students. A didactic modality that is gaining space in the educational process is the didactic games these are being described as tools that enable students to learn in a fun way contributing to the learning of the agents involved. In this sense, the development of a didactic game can contribute as a motivational tool to reach the educational didactic potential in Basic Education, as it stimulates interest and seeks to improve/enrich the knowledge of the agents involved. This work aimed at the elaboration and evaluation of the effectiveness of the didactic game in the teaching-learning process of the students participating in this research on the themes of mimicry and camouflage. The study was carried out at Benício Rodrigues Pena municipal school, in the afternoon, located in the municipality of Boca do Acre, Amazonas. The target audience was two classes (I and J) from the eighth grade of elementary school. To achieve our results, we designed a pre-test questionnaire to assess students' prior knowledge of the topics in both classes. This questionnaire was composed of five questions, both objective and discursive. For class "I" we made and applied a didactic game as an alternative to classes on the themes using representatives of the herpetofauna to exemplify the subjects. In class "J" we held only one traditional lecture to have a comparison with the students who participated in the game. For this, the expository and dialogued method with the aid of slides was used. Subsequently, a post-game questionnaire and a post-lecture questionnaire identical to the pre-test were applied, except for the inclusion of a sixth question. Data analysis was done quantitatively and qualitatively after each activity performed in the classes. Our results in the pre-test showed a low knowledge on the part of the students about the themes worked in this research. The students who participated in the class using the game as a teaching tool obtained better performance during the completion of the final questionnaire compared to the students in which the class was held traditionally. The students in class "I" were able to answer a greater number of questions regarding the theme of mimicry and camouflage, where, for example, up to 100% of correct answers were made in most of the questions contained in the post-game questionnaire. With this, this study demonstrates that the use of playfulness presents itself as a positive reinforcement for the teaching of Sciences and that the inclusion of this method for classes should be encouraged.


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How to Cite

Lima de Almeida, T., & de Lima Barros, A. (2021). DIDACTIC GAME IN SCIENCE TEACHING: USING HERPETOFAUNA TO ADDRESS MIMETISM AND CAMOUFLAGE THEMES FOR FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION STUDENTS. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 8(2), 181–201. Retrieved from https://teste-periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/SAJEBTT/article/view/4115



Ciências Biológicas