
  • Rodrigo de Souza Gomes Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC)
  • Emerson Pinheiro Valentim Lima Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC)


modeling; civil engineering; low environmental impact; viability.


BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology is currently recognized as an important tool in development in the engineering, architecture and construction industry, establishing a new perspective in the process of executing the projects of different specialties, in addition it assists in different aspects of the life cycle construction and sustainability assessment. It is important for companies, engineers and architects to update their practices and working methods through the available technical-scientific productions. The aim of this article is to quantitatively analyze the scientific bibliographies produced regarding sustainable works and the use of BIM in recent years. The literature search and selection of articles was carried out in the months of April and May 2020, in the CAPES Portal database through the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) database and in Google Scholar, using the keywords: “BIM” , “Engineering” and “sustainable”, combined with the help of the Boolean operator AND. Works produced up to May 2020 were considered, especially the period starting in 2015. Research in the databases revealed that from 1965 to May 2020, around 1,744 works were published in international scientific journals, relating BIM to projects of sustainable engineering. However, a good part of these works, 1,262 (approximately 72%) were published in the last five years, both for surveying the CAPES database and Google Scholar. The year 2019 had the highest publication record, 342 articles. The concern with sustainability has grown in the construction industry, based on the concepts of projects that consider social, economic and environmental factors in their strategies. The main uses of BIM in the bibliography raised are the organization of information, with models created or existing that use BIM to plan and manage works; planning a project with BIM 4D and / or BIM 5D; real-time monitoring of works; potentialities and challenges in the implementation of BIM. Although BIM is a consolidated methodology as something that enables and contributes significantly to the process of preparing civil engineering works and sustainable projects, there is still a lot of resistance regarding the use of this tool. Technology can bring important contributions by reducing the time to obtain information and the complexity of extracting data, in addition to so many other advantages, but even if there is a great technological advance, professionals and companies need to choose and invest to use the tools. Technology can bring important contributions by reducing the time to obtain information and the complexity of extracting data, in addition to so many other advantages, but even if there is a great technological advance, professionals and companies need to choose and invest to use the tools. What is currently modern, sustainable and difficult to access, will in the not-so-distant future be the only viable alternative. It is important to highlight that the use of BIM should not be seen with the simple adoption of a development model, but it is a multidisciplinary tool that aims to correlate and enhance the sectors involved in the design of sustainable engineering projects.


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How to Cite

Rodrigo de Souza Gomes, & Emerson Pinheiro Valentim Lima. (2021). SUSTAINABLE BUILDINGS AND BIM EVALUATION DETAILS IN COMMERCIAL PROJECTS. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 8(2), 692–706. Retrieved from



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