
  • Fábio André Castilha Laboratório de Biociências do Movimento Humano - LABIMH, UFRJ
  • Renato Linhares Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Paula Roquetti Fernandes Center for Excellence in Physical Evaluation - CEAF
  • José Fernandes Filho Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


dermatoglyphics; motor coordination; literacy difficulties;


Objective: This study aimed to correlate dermatoglyphic characteristics with motor coordination of students with (Y/LD) and without literacy difficulties (N/LD). Methods: This is a cross-sectional and descriptive research, with comparative and correlational analysis. The sample consisted of 240 students (47.92% girls), aged between 6 and 11 years (7.51±0.76), dully enrolled in the primary 2nd and 3rd school years from Curitiba. Students were assessed by the following protocols: BMI; Curitiba test results, academic portfolio analysis, KTK test for motor coordination evaluation and dermatoglyphics. Results were presented using descriptive statistics. Results: Differences between groups were observed all 4 KTK tests (p< 0.01), as well as in the total motor quotient (z= 0.258, p< 0.01) and total score (z= 0.240, p< 0.01). No significant differences were noted between the dermatoglyphic variables. KTK results were strongly correlated with the Y/LD and N/LD groups (t (238) = 5.976, p< 0.01, d= 0.79). Conclusions: The study reinforced that there may be a close relationship between motor coordination and literacy difficulties.

Author Biography

Fábio André Castilha, Laboratório de Biociências do Movimento Humano - LABIMH, UFRJ

Doutorando em Educação Física pela Escola de Educação Física e Desporto da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - EEFD/UFRJ, Área de Conhecimento: Ciências da Saúde; Professor Efetivo de Educação Física do Sistema Colégio Militar do Brasil - Exército Brasileiro, lotado no Colégio Militar de Manaus.


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How to Cite

Castilha, F. A., Linhares, R. V., Roquetti Fernandes, P., & Fernandes Filho, J. (2023). DERMATOGLYPHICS, COORDINATION AND LITERACY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL: A CORRELATIONAL APPROACH. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 10(1), 52–63. Retrieved from



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