Verses and drawings as educational tools in the fight against COVID-19: an experience report


  • Thiago Emanuel Rodrigues Novaes Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
  • Ana Selia Rodrigues Novaes Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano


Popular Education in Health, COVID-19, Public Health


This paper aims to discuss a university extension carried out by a doctoral student in Literature and a medical student during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic period, in 2020. This is an experience report that used art, in the form of verses and handmade drawings, aiming at promoting public health and raising awareness of the population about the disease, making use of informative posts on the social networks Facebook and Instagram. It is concluded that the action carried out reached a considerable public, which had good adherence to the proposed practices, considering that, in order to effectively combat COVID-19, more actions are needed that use Popular Education in Health, as reported in that experience.


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How to Cite

Novaes, T. E. R., & Novaes, A. S. R. (2021). Verses and drawings as educational tools in the fight against COVID-19: an experience report. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 8(1), 996–1003. Retrieved from



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