
  • Fabiana Caetano Furtado Instituto de Educação, Agricultura e Ambiente (IEAA)
  • Renato Abreu Lima Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Humaitá-AM


Special education, Southern Amazonas, Technologies.


As a result of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the world had to adapt and seek new ways of accessing education. Thus, the research aimed to analyze the difficulties faced by teachers in emergency remote teaching as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, in a public school in the municipality of Humaitá-AM. This is a research with a qualitative approach, as it is necessary for us to know through direct contact with the subject of the research, and thus make the research more effective. This research was carried out in October 2021 at the Municipal School Centro de Excelência Irmã Carmem Cronenbold in the municipality of Humaitá-AM. Having as a target audience five teachers aged approximately 20 to 46 years old who teach in basic education at that school. The results showed that the school was not prepared to deal with a pandemic scenario, but during this period there was a whole process of planning and adaptation so that students were not harmed in their teaching-learning process. According to the research, the great difficulties faced by the teachers, the use of the internet and the use of technology for the development of classes are evident, since they did not have training in the use of the tools offered by remote teaching. With this, it is concluded that in the educational scope, the school will have to reflect on more differentiated ways of educating and adaptable strategies to the needs of each student and to a need for qualification of inclusive education teachers in technological tools.


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How to Cite

Caetano Furtado, F., & Abreu Lima, R. (2023). EDUCAÇÃO INCLUSIVA EM PERÍODO DE PANDEMIA EM UMA ESCOLA PÚBLICA NO MUNICÍPIO DE HUMAITÁ-AM, BRASIL. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological , 10(1), 143–152. Retrieved from



Artigos Originais Tecnologias e Multidisciplinar