About the Journal

Open Access Policy: This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. Concentration Area: Production of space and environment at the borders of the Amazon. The aim of concentration is to focus its fundamental basis on the apprehension of geographic space, seen as a geo-historical product of human construction with / on nature at different borders. It is assumed that the production of space comes from the interrelational condition in which socioenvironmental life takes place in the face of the engendered socio-spatial formation. It is these contradictory and complementary processes of human actions that produce real space, under the strategic logics of hegemonic forces, fostering the dynamics of reality in its entirety. That is why the focus on different frontiers to deal with the geography of the Amazon, despite the spatial character of being / being in an important international political border band. It is noteworthy that Amazonia is a region with different borders, making it possible to bring to the core of research and discussion the linking of geopolitical bases, as an instrumental way of apprehending reality, allowing to discuss and analyze the concept of boundaries in a broadly different way, composing the being a “frontier of many and other things” (political, economic, cultural, identity, among others), thus requiring us to address “frontiers” and not simply a “frontier”. In this sense, without excluding the other areas of knowledge that operate in the Amazon, this journal can provide publications in the following lines:

1 - Analysis of socioenvironmental dynamics: Works that involve analysis of socioenvironmental dynamics in interactional actions of society and nature through the appropriation and use of physical and natural components. Natural dynamics from the geological-geomorphological / climatic / biogeographic formation in the Amazon region, both in the apprehension of social processes about nature and vice versa, encompassing systemic, model and structural aspects of socioenvironments in both rural and urban areas. The social and environmental effects generated by the incorporation of the Western South Amazon in the circuit of major infrastructural works and projects of the globalized economy, correlating them with the cause-effect aspects intrinsic to the specific physical-environmental-regional characteristics under various scales of approach. Integrated theoretical, procedural or systemic contributions involving: analysis of water resources and environmental planning of watersheds; rural and / or urban socio-environmental problems; land use and occupation analysis and their hydroecogeomorphological effects; use and dynamics of alteration of the relief, soils, climate and Amazonian biogeographic environments; analysis of social and environmental vulnerabilities; agrarian environmental effects of the current occupation of the Amazon; risk geography; and regional development.2 - Territories, identities and work: Works that address the productive restructuring of capital; the role of the state and impacts on the world of work. Amazonian territorial dynamics, disputes and conflicts for natural goods between capital, urban and rural workers, peasants, indigenous and traditional populations. Approaches to the concepts of territory, work, identity, memory and their applicability in the geographical perspective. Agroindustrial production, environmental and labor dynamics. Major regional integration projects and their impacts. Territorial conflicts, social movements and resistance. Disputes of identity construction. Relationship between memory and identity. Relationships of disputes around collective memory and identities. Legislation and civil rights.