
  • liana Anderson Pesquisadora(or) do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais, Cemaden, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Gleiciane de Oliveira Pismel Assistente de Pesquisa do projeto MAP-FIRE
  • Yara Araújo Pereira de Paula Assistente de Pesquisa do projeto MAP-FIRE
  • Galia Selaya Pesquisadora do projeto MAP-FIRE
  • João Bosco Coura dos Reis Pesquisadora(or) do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais, Cemaden, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Eddy Mendoza Rojas Conservacion Internacional Peru, 15 De Enero 677, Miraflores 15047, Peru
  • Guillermo Rioja-Ballivián 6ECOMINGA AMAZONICA – UAP, Comité Científico INICIATIVA TRINACIONAL MAP, El Cedro 064, Cobija - Pando – Bolivia
  • Juan Fernando Reyes Herencia, Interdisciplinaria para el Desarrollo Sostenible Calle Cívica No. 47, Barrio Miraflores, Cobija, Pando, Bolivia
  • Victor Marchezini Pesquisadora(or) do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais, Cemaden, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil,
  • I. Foster Brown 9Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth (WHRC), Falmouth, United States
  • Thiago Morello Morello UFABC, Alameda da Universidade, S/N, Bairro Anchieta, São Bernardo do Campo/SP 09606-045, Brasil
  • Luiz Aragão Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Sonaira Souza da Silva UFAC, Rio Branco, Acre, Brail,



Incêndios florestais; Impactos; Mudança no Uso e da Cobertura da Terra.


This experience report brings a brief review of publications by the MAP-FIRE and Acre-Queimadas Research projects, which comprise papers and technical reports on the impacts of forest fires in the Amazon. The MAP region (Madre de Dios - Peru, Acre - Brazil and Pando-Bolivia) is focussed. Uncontrolled fires have socioeconomic and environmental impacts, and their occurrence has been increasing in recent years, being intensified during years of extreme droughts of surveillance softening. The latter possibility occurred in 2019, when the area burned in the State of Acre increased in 80% compared to the previous year, impacting the air quality for more than 30 days in some municipalities. In order to understand how to prevent and mitigate the consequences of such events, governance must be diagnosed, involving local communities. These, once included in the formulation of plans to monitor, mitigate and combat fires will have their vulnerability decreased and their capacity for self-protection increased. For this, the science-society exchange is essential. We invite the interested reader to get in touch with the authors.


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How to Cite

Anderson, liana, Pismel, G. de O. ., Paula, Y. A. P. de ., Selaya, G., Reis, J. B. C. dos ., Rojas, E. M. ., … Silva, S. S. da . (2020). RELATOS DE EXPERIÊNCIAS DOS PROJETOS DE PESQUISA MAP-FIRE E ACRE-QUEIMADAS: DIAGNÓSTICO E PERSPECTIVAS DE MITIGAÇÃO ENVOLVENDO A SOCIEDADE PARA REDUÇÃO DO RISCO E DE IMPACTOS ASSOCIADOS A INCÊNDIOS FLORESTAIS. UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 2(2), 14.

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