
  • Keully Maria da Costa Belarmino Mestranda da Universidade Federal do Acre, Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia, Rio Branco, Acre, Brasil
  • Carlos Estevão Ferreira Castelo Doutor em História Social – USP. Professor Associado 4 da Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC/CCJSA). Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (UFAC). Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História (ProfHistória/UFAC)



agribusiness; policy; development.


This article proposes to present an overview of the current development policy of the current government of the State of Acre, focused on agribusiness. The methodology used was the reading and analysis of studies by Castro (2013), Silva and Del Grossi [s.d], as well as other authors who discuss the process of agribusiness development in Brazil, in the North Region and in the State of Acre. Secondary data were also used, contained in the ZEE (2021), CNA, IBGE, UCGEO and Agricultural Census for Acre (2017).We start by analyzing the growth of agribusiness in Brazil and its evolution, and then we deal with the development of agribusiness in the North Region until arriving in the State of Acre, where we present the main products grown in the municipalities, showing the city of Rio Branco as the most promient in agricultural practice. We analyzed the environmental and socioeconomic transformations that occurred in the municipalities to receive agribusiness and the improvements and incentives that this economic activity has been receiving.

Key words: agribusiness; policy; development.



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How to Cite

Belarmino, K. M. da C. ., & Castelo, C. E. F. . (2022). UM DIAGNÓSTICO DO AGRONEGÓCIO NO ESTADO DO ACRE. UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 4(1).

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