

Introduction: With the earthquake in January 2010, Haiti suffered a humanitarian crisis due to the socio-economic and environmental collapse resulting from the earthquake. As a result, there was a strong migratory flow from Haiti to Brazil and a new adoption of strategies by capital to absorb migrant labor mobility in the Brazilian labor market. Among these destinations, the “new international division of labor” in Brazilian territory gains shape, with the absorption of international migratory flows. Objective: The objective of this paper is to map the mobility of Haitians in Brazil as a workforce for the national capital. Methodology: Bibliographic review procedures, migratory mapping with qualitative and quantitative indicators are performed to obtain social cartography in the context of international migrations. Results: The overexploitation of foreign labor, agency migratory waves as “surplus labor” and incorporates the “social morphology of labor”, “collaborators” coming mainly from the so-called “peripheral countries”, plagued by the structural pauperism of their work. political, economic conjuncture, often involved in warmongering disputes, or in recovery efforts over a strong economic embargo. Concluding Remarks: Such labor mobility is conducive to the Brazilian agro-export factory belt, silent in the face of migratory policies and the equivalent social rights guaranteed to workers in a state of social refuge in Brazil.

Author Biographies

Thirson Rodrigues Medina, Bolsista do Grupo PET Geografia da UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ACRE

Graduado em Geografia modalidade Bacharelado, Bolsista do Programa de Educação Tutorial PET/Geografia  UFAC.

José Alves, Tutor do Grupo PET Geografia-UFAC Docente do Curso de Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Acre

Tutor do Grupo do Programa de Educação Tutorial do Curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Acre

Docente do curso de Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Acre



How to Cite

Medina, T. R., & José Alves. (2019). WORK DIVISION AND INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY. Arigó - Revista Do Grupo PET E Acadêmicos De Geografia Da Ufac, 2(1), 8. Retrieved from

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