an overview of school inclusion in Brazil


  • Adolfo Fernandes Instituto Federal do Acre


autism spectrum disorder, brazil, inclusive education, youth and adult education


The paper’s objective is to present an overview of the school inclusion of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Youth and Adult Education in Brazil. Autism is a general condition of brain development disorders; the spectrum involves many different situations from each other, where these characteristics can range from the mildest to the most severe or be related to a lesser or greater degree to each other. The autistic person is considered disabled for all legal purposes according to Law No. 12.764/2012, which institutes the National Policy for the Protection of the Rights of the Person with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and inclusion is a right of the person with a disability. Although there is still a lot of prejudice and unpreparedness on education professionals, people with disabilities are also entitled to attend a school with regular education. The panorama shows us that teachers are unprepared for this reality and without the support of a multidisciplinary team to develop their work.


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Como Citar

FERNANDES, Adolfo. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER IN YAE: an overview of school inclusion in Brazil. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 11, p. 343–346, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 fev. 2025.



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