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  • Anthesis
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  • Arigó - Revista do Grupo PET e Acadêmicos de Geografia da Ufac
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  • Communitas
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  • Das Amazônias
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  • Revista Em Favor de Igualdade Racial
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  • Revista Fenexis: Estudos Fenomenológicos Existenciais
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  • Academic Journal Geadel
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  • Jamaxi
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  • Journal of Amazon Health Science
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  • Muiraquitã: Revista de Letras e Humanidades
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  • NAWA
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  • Psicologias
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  • Scientia Naturalis
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  • South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological
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  • Revista TXAI - Programa de Pós Graduação em de Artes Cênicas - Ufac
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  • UÁQUIRI - Revista do Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Acre
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