Bioindicadores, Briologia, Humaitá.Abstract
Bryophytes have a wide geographic distribution diversity, and can be found in the most inhospitable environments, such as in urban areas that suffer human degradation, the identification and knowledge of this plant group is important to provide information on the occurrence and distribution of species tolerant to environmental impact . Thus, this study aimed to identify the occurrence of bryophytes and their potential characterizing backyards in the municipality of Humaitá-AM. The collection of bryophytes used the method of walking with guided tour in thirteen neighborhoods in Humaitá, taking place in the second half of 2019. The species Leucomium strumosum, Pilosium chlorophyllum, Isopterygium acutifolium and Ephemerum pachyneuron were identified, and from these, they can be deepened studies on their use as bioindicators of environmental disturbance, ethnobriological and economic use, and to identify other species and their applicability in Bryology in the municipality of Humaitá.
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