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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Scope and Policy:

The electronic journal Scientia Naturalis (Sci. Nat.) is published semiannually and is intended for the publication of scientific works in the areas of Chemistry, Physics, Biological Sciences, Agrarian Sciences, and Science Teaching. It comprises scientific articles, experience reports, technical notes, and general issues. Manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, and cannot exceed 40 pages in total, including tables and illustrations. We strongly recommend textual revisions and high quality translations. The contents and information contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. However, research papers involving ethical issues will only be accepted for publication after approval by the Research Ethics Committee.


Structure of Publication Modalities:

Scientific Articles and Experience Reports must present the following sections (in this order): title in Portuguese, abstract, keywords, title in English, abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods or methodology, results and discussion, conclusion or final considerations, acknowledgements (optional), and references. Technical Notes and General Issues must include the following sections: title in Portuguese, abstract, keywords, title in English, abstract, keywords, introduction, and other sections in charge of the author (s), with mandatory references in the final section. Articles written in English or Spanish must have the following structure: “title”, “abstract”, and “keywords” in the language of the work, followed by title, abstract, and keywords in Portuguese, in addition to the other sections. Manuscripts must be typed according to the template and sent along with the Presentation Letter (supplementary file), both available at the following links:




Manuscript Organization:

  1. a) Formatting: The manuscript must be typed in Word (.doc or .docx), with 1.5 spacing, using only the font Times New Roman, size 12, with paragraphs indented 1.25 cm and justified. Page format should be A4 size, with 2.5 cm top and bottom margins, 3.0 cm left and right margins, without page numbers. Manuscripts in other formats will not be accepted.
  2. b) Titles: The titles must be in Times New Roman, size 16, single spaced, centered, and in bold. Use only the first word with the initial letter capitalized and the other letters in lowercase, except when capital letters are needed.
  3. c) Authors: The authors must be in Times New Roman, size 12, centered, below the first title, after a simple spacing, with the full name (s) of the author (s), without abbreviations, followed by superscript Arabic numerals. A maximum of seven (7) authors will be allowed.
  4. d) Addresses: The addresses must be in Times New Roman, size 10, centered, below the name (s) of the author (s), after a simple spacing. The author (s) address (es) must contain: institution of origin, smallest administrative unit of the institution, city, and country, preceded by the superscript Arabic number of the author (s). The corresponding author should also be indicated with an asterisk (*), and his/her e-mail (only one) placed in the sequence of the address (es).
  5. e) Abstract: Typed in Times New Roman font, size 10, with simple spacing, justified, in a single paragraph without indentation, and with a maximum of 200 words. The headings RESUMO and ABSTRACT must be in capital letters, centered and in bold, using Times New Roman 12.
  6. f) Keywords: Typed in Times New Roman, size 10, with simple spacing, just below the abstracts in the respective languages, containing 3 different words, separated by a point. The terms Palavras-chave and Keywords must be typed in bold, with the first letter capitalized, using Times New Roman 10.
  7. g) Sections: The titles of sections must be in capital letters, in Times New Roman, size 12, in bold, aligned to the left, without numerical order.
  8. h) Subsections: Sections can have subsections, except for RESUMO, ABSTRACT, and INTRODUCTION. Subtitles must be written in italics and bold, font Times New Roman, size 12, with the first letter of the word capitalized and the other letters in lowercase, except when capital letters are needed.
  9. i) Tables and illustrations: The titles of tables and illustrations (drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, photographs, graphs, maps, organization charts, plans, pictures, portraits, and others) must be typed in Times New Roman, size 10, justified, with simple spacing, above the respective tables and illustrations, in numerical order according to the presentation in the text. Manuscripts containing images of people without their authorization will not be accepted; the author (s) must attach the document duly approved by the Ethics Committee.
  10. j) Citations: Direct and indirect citations must follow the standards of ABNT NBR 10520.
  11. k) References:Bibliographic references must be mentioned in alphabetical order, justified, typed in Times New Roman, size 10, with simple spacing, according to ABNT standards.


Publication of analytical texts resulting from scientific research papers on various topics in the areas of Chemistry, Physics, Biological Sciences, Agrarian Sciences, and Science Teaching, of interest to the academic-scientific community and society in general.

Experience Reports

Publication that describes a given experience lived by the manuscript writers in teaching, extension, or service activities. These include new courses taught or relevant professional projects in Chemistry, Physics, Biological Sciences, and Agrarian Sciences.

Technical Notes

Works on educational policies, innovations, propositions of methods and techniques, development of equipment and tools for research, within the scope of the journal.

General subjects

Publication of manuscripts dealing with generalities, curiosities, history of sciences, and bibliographic reviews, within the scope of the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.