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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista;
  • O arquivo da submissão está conforme Template para Submissão;
  • As URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível;
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista;
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas.

Author Guidelines


Communitas Magazine is organized into Dossier, Continuous Demand and Review sections. The process of submission and evaluation of articles submitted to the Journal is received through the Electronic Journaling System (SEER). The publication of an article implies the total assignment of the copyright to Communitas - Revista do GpMICC / UFAC / CEL, for printed and electronic dissemination - internet. The Journal does not publish articles of the same author and / or co-author consecutively, and must have a minimum of two editions as a space between these publications. There is no charge for submission and publication of articles.

1. Communitas magazine will publish original and unpublished articles related to the areas of Education, Letters, Linguistics and related fields of Human Sciences, considering the journal's editorial line, treatment given to the theme, consistency and rigor. The articles should be exclusively intended for you.

2. Papers that fall into the following categories will be considered for publication: articles on theoretical studies, research, reflections on practices, essays and reviews.

3. The works must be sent to the Editorial Committee via the Electronic Journaling System (SEER), which will submit them to the Editorial Council for verification of adequacy to the editorial policy of the journal and compliance with regulatory requirements. The articles will be sent, without identification, to at least two external evaluators. In the case of an evaluation discrepancy, it will be sent to a third reviewer. The name of the evaluators will be kept confidential.

4. The Journal, through the scientific editor or managing editor, will notify the lead author if the article has been approved for publication or rejected. The notification shall be accompanied by a copy of the contents of the opinions, without the identification of the evaluators.

5. The texts of the articles (In Tariff and Continuous Demand) should be between 25,000 and 45,000 characters including abstract, abstract and references.

6. Review texts should be about 8,000 and 10,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliography included). This production should present the commentary on a recent work, or relaunch of some classic in the field of Education, Letters, Linguistics and related areas of Human Sciences. The author should situate the field to which the work belongs, present the main ideas of the author and present a critical appreciation, referring his contribution to the theoretical and practical context of the scope of the Journal.

7. The texts must be written in Portuguese or Spanish.

8. Manuscripts must be forwarded electronically by SEER. The text should be typed in the Microsoft Word editor,

9. The name (s) of the author (s) and title of the article must be included, in full and in the box, using the metadata forms, by carefully filling in all the information requested . Authors should indicate full address and full e-mail for disclosure in the article. They should also place a higher degree of qualification, institutional affiliation, professional function in the institution of origin, city, state and country. Insert, still in the item metadata, the address for correspondence, telephones for contact, fax. In the URL item, the Lattes curriculum link must be made available.

10. Each manuscript must be headed by a title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, the title may not exceed 95 characters with spaces. If the text is written in Spanish, the title should be in Spanish and English. The text should initially present a summary between 500 and a maximum of 1000 characters, in Portuguese, English (abstract) and Spanish; for this purpose, see ABNT's NBR 6028, dated November 2003. If the text is written in Spanish, it should have a summary in Spanish and in English (abstract). The abstract should not be written in the first person and should contain the thematic focus, objective, method, results and conclusions of the work. There should be between 3 and 4 keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

11. The texts should be written clearly and fluently. The use of endnotes should be for some explanatory information, not exceeding the use of 200 words. The author should take care not to use references that can identify him in the evaluation process, such as "in my previous works, in my thesis, in my dissertation", etc. If the work is accepted, this information may be included in the final version of the article.

12. For the evaluation of the manuscripts the following criteria will be observed:

1) relevance and scope of the theme;

2) innovative character, development and deepening of the theme;

3) theoretical and methodological structure of work;

4) conclusion and contribution to the areas of Education, Letters, Linguistics and related areas of Human Sciences,

13. The citations must follow ABNT NBR 10520, of August of 2002, which determines that:

- Direct quotes with less than three lines must be inserted in the text and enclosed in double quotation marks. The indication of the author of the citation should be included.


At the end of the quote: "Citation". (Silva, Gomes, year 123).

In the beginning or inserted in the text: According to Silva (year, page 123) "Citation", or, Silva (year, page 123) says: "... citation".

- direct citations with more than three lines should be highlighted with a 4 cm indentation of the left margin, with lower letter than the text and without quotes. At the end, it should include: (LAST NAME OF AUTHOR CITED, year, page 123).

- indirect citations, that is, text based on the work of the author consulted, the same previous criterion should be adopted for the reference of the author; if outside the parentheses, the surname begins with a capital letter and then lower case letters; the last name appears in capital letters.

- the following resources should be used:

[...] to indicate deletions;

[] to indicate interpolations, additions or comments;

bold or italic to emphasize;

(verbal information) 1 for data derived from verbal information in lectures, debates, etc., with the reference data in footnote. Example of footnote: 1Note provided by Speaker's First and Last Name in Event, Place, month and year.

griffin in the original or our griffin: are used after pagination to clarify the authorship of the tap. Ex .: (SILVA, year, page 123, italics)

14. The concepts and statements contained in the articles will be the sole responsibility of the author (s).

15. The spelling and grammar revision, in Portuguese and English, is the sole responsibility of the author (s) of the article.

16. References should be drafted in accordance with the standards of ABNT NBR 6023 of August 2002. Include only works mentioned in the text.


All examples presented here are fictitious.

- Personal author

LAST SURNAME (Upper case), A. B. (First letters of the first and last names) Title. 2. ed. (Edition number) Location: Publisher, year. 224p.

- Up to 3 authors

SILVA, E. T .; GOMES, G. V .; SOUZA, M. N. Title. 13. ed. rev. and aum. Location: Publisher, year.

- More than 3 authors

SILVA, E. T. et al. Title: subtitle. Location: Publisher, year.

- Organizer (s), coordinator (s), translator (s)

SILVA, E.T .; GOMES, G.V. (Org.). Title. Translation of First Name and Last Name. [S.l .: s.n.] (If there is no place and publisher in the referenced work), year.

- Entity Author

BRAZIL. Ministry of Education. Title. Brasília, DF, year. 123p.

- Unknown authorship

FIRST word of the title. Location: Publisher, year.

- Parts of monograph

SILVA, E. T. Title of part. In: SURNAME, N. S. (Org.). Title of the publication. Location: Publisher, year. cap. 1, p. 3-9.

SILVA, E. T. Title of part. In: ______. (if the author of the part is equal to that of the publication in the whole). Title of the publication. Location: Publisher, year. cap. 1, p. 3-9.

Monographs and parts of monographs in electronic and online media

SILVA, E. T. Title. Location: Publisher, year. 1 CD-ROM.

SANTA MARIA. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA virtual of the municipalities of RS. Location: Publisher, year. CD-ROM 1.

SILVA, E. T. Title. [S.l]: Publisher, year. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 3 Jan. 2000.

ENTRY. In: DICTIONARY of foreign languages. Location: Publisher, year. Available at: <http: //www.url complete>. Accessed on: 3 Jan. 2000.

- Events (works presented)

SILVA, E. T .; GOMES, G. V. Title. In: NAME OF EVENT IN BOX HIGH, 1. (Event numbering, if any), year, place (of event). Annals ... (same case for Abstracts ...) Place (of publication): Publisher, year. P. 3-9. (When in an electronic medium, add the physical description of the resource used after pagination.

- Events (works presented) online

SILVA, E. T .; GOMES, G. V. Title. In: NAME OF EVENT IN BOX HIGH, 1. (Event numbering, if any), year, place (of event). Electronic Annals ... Location: Publisher, year. Available at: <http: //www.url complete>. Accessed on: 3 Jan. 2000.

- Articles and / or magazine articles

SILVA, E. T. Title of the article. Title of publication, place, n. 1 (publication number), p. 3-9 (initial and final pagination), Jan. 2000 (date of publication).

- Online Articles

SILVA, E. T. Title of the article. Title of the journal. Location, numbering, jan. 2000 (date of publication). Available at: <http: //www.url complete>. Accessed on: 3 Jan. 2000.

On the agenda

Texts related to the presentation of research results of an empirical or conceptual nature, related to the thematic axis of the number corresponding to the Journal.


Texts related to the presentation of research results of an empirical or conceptual nature, not necessarily related to the thematic axis of the number corresponding to the Journal.


Interview of a scientific nature, carried out with professors, researchers and national and international personalities, related to the thematic axis of the number corresponding to the Journal.

Book review

Book review of the area, preferably related to the issue of editing, published in Portuguese at a time that gave, at most, one year of the semester scheduled for publication of the journal number.

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