Black Mirror; Racismo; Discurso de Ódio.Abstract
The present work aims to analyze the relations of the episode Reverse Engineering, of the British series Black Mirror, with the case of the young man who was tortured in the back of a supermarket in São Paulo for stealing a chocolate bar; as well as hate speech as a resonance of the transmission of what happened on social networks. The text will be dedicated to revealing the sequels of the long-suffering and long-suffering years of racism - arising from the process of enslavement in Brazil - that affected and still affect the life and experiences of black people on national soil, highlighting the importance of the presence of this debate in the country. Brazilian basic education. The methodological approach was through literary review and hate speech analysis. The criticality about the conceptions of false superiority of races imposed in the 16th century and ratified by contemporary society results in the reflection of the space of the black people and their power to break the foundations of racism rooted in Brazilian soil.
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