Discurso; poder; preso; presídio; sujeito.Abstract
The main objective of this article is to reflect on the experiences lived within a prison context, based on the ideas of Foucault (2003), Albuquerque Júnior (2012), Le Goff (2012), Zaffaroni (1991) among other theorists, in around questions about discourse, power, subject and construction of identities. Making this reflection was not an easy task, since the speeches, as well as behaviors that permeate the prison system are impregnated with conflicts, power relations and meanings considering all the subjects involved in this universe. Thinking in this way, this article proposes to describe the power relationships that are behind these speeches and the role of the individual who experiences the experiences in the place described through professional practice, providing opportunities for reflection on a universe that few experience and that do not makes it no less important for discussions and deepening on the subject of relationships, experiences, learning and professional practice.
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