ressignificação BUTCH como operação política, agenciamento pós-humano e transprodução de feminilidade
Lésbica, Ressignifcação, Butch, FeminilidadeAbstract
This work aims to analyse, through social and historical gender structures and heteronormativity, the
necessary political transmutation as an alternative for lesbian resistance. It is about exposure of the
intermediaries of violence, of the butch bodies as a biopolitical zone, but especially of the processes of
confronting this violence. The recognition of butch experiences as counterproductives in relation to the
crystallization of cisheteronormative sexuality, and how threatening they are to the capitalist/patriarchal
(cis)tem, explain the tireless need to assert an universal subject. The authors selected for analysis express
the brutality with which the sex-gender system assumes the role of regulating, standardizing and reducing
the subjects, transforming multiple and organic bodies into ontological (re)production, fragmented
machines, and in the case of butch lesbians, abject bodies. Therefore, it is not just a matter of denouncing
the public path towards dehumanizing lesbian existence or reporting the social mechanisms that
systematically violate and kill women who refuse to perform what heterocentric society defines as
femininity. This text tries to show, above all, that the subversion inherent to the butch - the plasticity of
the body machine, sex as an act, the production of an alternative femininity, the desire that breaks with
standardization - creates an obsolescence in the heterosocial structure, which can only escape with control
and extermination techniques. However, it denotes the enormous strength of a community, which is only
(as it is) neglected and annihilated such a capacity to implode an entire social structure and centuries of
Keywords: lesbian; butch; resignification; femininity; violence.
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