Compromiso; Sociopolítica; Africa/Nigeria; América/Chile; Lesión postcolonialAbstract
Knowing that the tricks of political men have an effect on a social level. The goal of our article is to demonstrate in Baabou Roi how Wole Soyinka and Marco Antonio De la Parra with King Kong Palace, through a double discussion, strive to make the radiography of the dictatorship that suffered many African and Latin American countries outside of Nigeria and Chile. To this end, based on our commitment to some theoretical approaches such as Postcoloniality and Socio-criticism according to Samba Diop and Roger Fayolle, together with the concept of Commitment to the feeling of Mongo Béti, we came to the conclusion that the playwrights are not content just by waking up and denouncing, they go further. Taking the manifestation of universal rebellion, in the face of the injustice of a system that advocates resignation and punishes the dissident.
Keywords: Commitment; Socio-political; Africa/Nigeria; America/Chile; Postcolonial wound
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