monstros, fadas, erotismo e agressividade
Little Red Riding Hood; aggressiveness; eroticism; symbolism.Abstract
This article analyzes the tale/film, The Company of wolves, from the perspective of two investigatory fields: Literary studies and Psychology. After a brief introduction, the article presents references from Psychoanalysis and Gestalt-Therapy, in order to clarify and elaborate the use of the terms "aggressiveness" and "eroticism". As the article progresses, a proposal is made to analyze the implicit themes of sexuality/eroticism and monstrosity/aggressiveness in fairy tales, paying focused attention to the classic, Little Red Riding Hood. Our main focus here will be on Angela Carter's personal literary version of the classic, called The Company of wolves; as well as on the eponymous film, directed and scripted by Neil Jordan, with Carter's own co-writing. This work was chosen because of its particular use of intertextual and symbolic references, which are described in the article. At the end, our article encourages to look at eroticism and aggressiveness under tones and colors which puts them in a possible perspective of homeostasis.
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