A amizade infantil e a tirania do mundo dos adultos em “A ilha dos gatos pingados”





Conto. Literatura. Violência. Crianças.


In this article, the short story “The island of pinged cats” by the writer José Jacinto Veiga, when dealing with the theme brings a proposal for the novelistic aspect of magical Realism. Based on such inquiries, the work proposes to discuss the violence committed against children, as well as the tyranny of adults over them. Also, analyze whether the home is an environment that transmits security; it also suggests working on this story in the classroom to value the aesthetic aspects of the literary text and to interrelate them with the social and political aspects of a certain group. The work consists of bibliographic research of analyzes of the proposed short story / chronicle and of authors who discuss the problems presented. From this, it is concluded that the short story “The island of pinged cats” by J.J Veiga, in addition to promoting aesthetic pleasure in reading, can also open spaces for thematic discussions on controversial subjects such as: friendship, solidarity, violence that affects in humiliation and aggression.


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How to Cite

Santos, P. P. G. (2020). A amizade infantil e a tirania do mundo dos adultos em “A ilha dos gatos pingados”. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.29327/210932.8.2-16

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