
  • Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Fabiola Colombani Faculdade Católica Paulista




Ética. Sala de aula. Amizade. Formação humana


The aim of this article is to carry out reflections that can contribute to a new perspective in the field of human formation at school. Theoretical, part of the analysis that Adorno and Horkheimer made about the unfulfilled promise of enlightenment that led humanity to live one of the most barbaric moments in their history: the nazism. From an ethical point of view, this process led men to insensitivity and intolerance concerning the other. In an attempt to point out ways for a new formation of man, we resort to the notion of friendship as approached by Aristotle. Although it is an institutionalized space, the classroom can be a place for us to transgress and build new ways of relating. In addition to the contents that circulate in it, the idea is to think about ways to experience new attitudes, new values, new dialogues and new relationships at school.



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How to Cite

Carvalho, A. B. de ., & Colombani, F. (2020). A FORMAÇÃO HUMANA NA ESCOLA: CONTRIBUIÇÕES PARA AS POLÍTICAS EDUCACIONAIS. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.29327/210932.8.1-2




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