Blackness; Racial Representation; Media Discourse; Audiovisual Industry; Netflix.Abstract
The article analyzes the Strong Black Lead campaign, created by black Netflix executives to stimulate black productions and audience of the platform, seeking to understand its potentials and limitations for a displacement of racial representations, based on authors such as Hall (2003; 2016), Collins (2016), Sodré (1999) and Almeida (2019). The campaign reflects a broader moment, in which historical demands for representativeness are appropriated by the media industries themselves. Our results show that the campaign has the potential to be a space in which black artists can express their views on the audiovisual industry and of black representation, with an amplification of these voices and the potential for new ways of looking. However, because it is done in an institutional context and with commercial objectives, there is a limit to what can be said, that public participation, through social networks, expands.
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